
Which of the following statements best describes you?

  • I’m a person with disability
  • I’m a disability advocate and/or work for a disability peak association
  • I am a member of the public interested in the National Disability Strategy
  • I am a researcher or academic

Question 1:

What matters most to measure and report on as we seek to achieve inclusive and accessible communities for people with disability?

I think the document to date covers this well.

Question 2:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve economic security for people with disability?

again I think this is reading well

Question 3:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes for people with disability?

I think this section overlooks a huge part of people’s lives that of spiritual health and wellbeing – it is defined and expressed in myriad ways and is so essential to many people. The emphasis in the Strategy domain is predominantly of a physical health nature, which of course is essential.
However, if we are being holistic and comprehensive with a strategy such as this, why can we not name this dimension with people of course being free to take it or leave it?

Suggested wording within sub-outcomes: I can access spiritual and wellbeing opportunities
I have the best possible spiritual health

Indicators: optimal spiritual health


Question 4:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve rights, protection, justice and legislation outcomes for people with disability?

Nil input.

Question 5:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve learning and skills outcomes for people with disability?

Nil input.

Question 6:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve personal and community support outcomes for people with disability?

support services can also refer to informal and generic linkages where people participate because of personal motivation and interest: such as faith communities, meditation, mindfulness groups…….etc

Question 7:

How often would you like to see progress against the outcomes for people with disability in the National Disability Strategy and the National Disability Insurance Scheme reported?

Ideally annually but at least every 2 years

NDIS planning processes need to add a component in their questions/conversations with individuals re interest in participating in faith/spiritual/religious contexts.
Because it is not names as a ‘tick to box’ I am aware of many people having it overlooked in their plans.
Accompanying this needs to have some NDIS staff PD/Awareness of the importance ascribed my many people with disability to this area of life.

Question 8:

Is there anything else that you think should be considered when we are monitoring and measuring the impact of activities on people with disability?

Nil input.