
Which of the following statements best describes you?

  • I’m a parent / guardian or other family member of a person with disability

Question 1:

What matters most to measure and report on as we seek to achieve inclusive and accessible communities for people with disability?

Nil input.

Question 2:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve economic security for people with disability?

There is no economic security for New Zealand residents arriving after 2001 that suddenly become disabled.

Question 3:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes for people with disability?

Please consider more seriously the mental health and well-being of the parents/carers of children with disabilities, before you find them needing NDIS themselves

Question 4:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve rights, protection, justice and legislation outcomes for people with disability?

There are no NDIS Rights full stop to tax paying New Zealanders. No Justice.
Our Australian born son is not eligible to access ANY NDIS yet we are forced to pay the NDIS levy. That’s illegal right?
We tried to become Australian citizens. But we are denied, on the basis that our Australian born son is a burden on society.

So where is the gap Filler for us falling Through the cracks?

Before NDIS rolled out, New Zealanders were eligible for at least some disability help.
NDIS has given the Australian government an opportunity to discriminate against its Kiwi residents.

Question 5:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve learning and skills outcomes for people with disability?

As it becomes a more widespread diagnosed disability. Specialised Autism schools are much needed for those children not eligible for special School yet not able to function in mainstream School where the Support is either non existent or severely lacking

Question 6:

What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve personal and community support outcomes for people with disability?

Nil input.

Question 7:

How often would you like to see progress against the outcomes for people with disability in the National Disability Strategy and the National Disability Insurance Scheme reported?


Question 8:

Is there anything else that you think should be considered when we are monitoring and measuring the impact of activities on people with disability?

Just treat New Zealand tax paying residents with the same level of respect, care, and justice as everyone else