Consultation period

18 June 2024 - 4:30 pm To 9 July 2024 - 4:00 pm

Working together to trial blended payments


Closes in 8 days

Blended payments

As part of the 2023-24 Budget, the Government committed $24.6 million over 4 years from 2023‑24 to work with participants and providers to trial blended payments.

This initiative is one of many in a wider package of reforms designed to improve the National Disability Insurance Scheme, ensuring every dollar spent goes to support people with a disability.

We will work with participants and providers to co-design trials of blended payments that increase providers’ incentive to innovate service delivery and achieve improved outcomes for NDIS participants.

The trials will be undertaken in two areas to focus effort and resources on genuine co-design:

  • Employment Supports for School Leavers to identify ways to improve employment outcomes for participants.
  • Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) to support these participants to move to more appropriate housing and to drive innovative services delivery approaches.

We will work with participants, providers, peak bodies, and Disability Representative and Carer Organisations (DRCOs) to explore blended payments through co-design and trial activities.

We will carefully design approaches to blended payments to ensure safeguards are in place for NDIS participants. Participation in blended payments activities will be voluntary for NDIS participants.

Keep informed

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Upcoming Co-Design Activities

Workshops to participate in co-design activities are coming soon.

For Providers

Eligible registered providers of Employment Supports for School Leavers, Supported Independent Living, and those supporting Younger People in Residential Aged Care can apply for a grant to participate in co-design of the blended payment model.

Apply for an Employment Support for School Leavers co-design grant

Apply for a Supported Independent Living, or Younger People in Residential Aged Care co-design grant

Key Dates for Providers

Grant opens – Tuesday 18 June 2024

Grant closes – Tuesday 9 July 2024

For Participants

The NDIA has appointed an organisation who will run a targeted co-design process. Participants who are approached and agree to participate in the targeted co-design process will be paid for their time.