Deaf Victoria

Melissa Lowrie

Deaf Victoria

Advocacy agency

We believe that the Disability Advocacy Framework accurately reflects what people with disabilities need from advocacy, however the only thing we have to add is that disability advocacy should only be provided by funded disability advocacy groups- not service providers. There should be strict guidelines around who is to advocate and speak on behalf of their peer group. For example: if it is a Deaf/hard of hearing advocacy group, the group should consist of Deaf and hard of hearing people with the appropriate community support that should advocate for this section of the community, not service providers. Unfortunately in this current climate, Disability advocacy is poorly funded. With the appropriate funding for bodies representing different disability groups, advocacy will become more streamlined and effective for the NDIS. Due to the inherent conflict of interest, service providers should be prevented from providing advocacy as there is no way they are able to be independent, despite any policies and procedures they have in place.