Consultation period

25 March 2025 - 4:00 pm To 22 June 2025 - 5:00 pm

Next Steps in Supported Employment: Consultation on the way forward


Closes in 87 days

A young woman in a pink dress sitting at a desk and having a conversation with a man in an office setting with a brick wall and a window.

The Department of Social Services is seeking views on the way forward for supported and open employment, particularly options for increasing inclusive employment, raising subminimum wages, and ending segregated employment.

This consultation is part of our ongoing commitment to improve employment outcomes for people with disability. The findings will also help us consider the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability Final Report in relation to employment for people with disability.

This paper outlines the range of work already underway to improve employment outcomes for people with disability, particularly those with high support needs.

We invite you to read the discussion paper and make a submission responding to the questions and topics. You can provide a submission by using the make a submission form or by emailing If you experience any issues with the make a submission form, such as uploading large files (above 10MB), we recommend you submit a response by emailing

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