[Sub ID 4545] Individualised outreach and engagement (Tania Lawrie)

Submission ID: 4545
Organisation name: Tania Lawrie
Contact name: Ms Tania Lawrie
State: QLD
Contact email: tlawrie@communityliving.org.au
Contact number: 0732665199

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Our experience and published research point to high levels of community isolation, community disengagement, complex interplay of personal, familial, economic and social issues, sometimes unaddressed mental health or disability issues amongst these three populations. Previous unsuccessful engagement with community or governmental service agencies may have eroded trust and inclination to further engage.

What is your idea?
Proactive outreach to individuals. Offer of engagement to understand their issues and what they see as important in need for change. Openness to work with individual in the context of their relationships. Holistic response, no issue or complex of issues is off the table. Build on relationship made with person to connect to services and supports.

This approach is substantially different from most service systems which are:
• Siloed – they offer x and only x.
• Require people to come to them.
• Only focus on the individual and don’t take into account the context.