[Sub ID 4685] Employability ‘passport’ (La Trobe University)
Submission ID: 4685
Organisation name: La Trobe University
This project focuses on:
1. the need to strengthen the skills and qualifications of those not employed or in education and training (NEET); and
2. the need to reduce external barriers to employability.
Individuals readiness to engage in employment or further education will be assessed. Regional participation in post-school education, particularly at higher levels (AQF5+) is dramatically lower than in metropolitan locations. Low educational attainment impacts both individuals and their communities. Growth in regional economies must be underpinned by higher participation in post-school education, without regional economic growth there are limited opportunities for individuals to break out of the welfare cycle.
We propose a specific, case based, support model to assist individual welfare recipients to access immediate skills and / or tertiary education through overcoming their specific barriers to participation. A range of interventions will be tested to determine what is most effective and efficient in boosting participation.