Michael Meehan
General comment 1: It is good seeing the Government’s commitment to supported employment, it is just a shame less than one third of the $5B mentioned will support ADEs.There is clear recognition of what a valuable service they provide.Surely more of the funding could be spent here to double ADE numbers, thus improving the transition into open employment (thus making the role of DES providers “easier” as more job ready applicants will be available.
General comment 2: If 2.1M Australians with disabilities of working agar recorded why only 460,000 NDIS participants where I estimate their to be an extra .5M not on NDIS (and qualify) but working/looking for work. Seems a lot are missing out still.
General comment 3: Please ensure the State and Commonwealth Governments work together and do not fund similar projects as seems to happen in many instances.
Key question 1: Agree with the four principles but although mentioned in further pages, a key principle I believe that should be here is a statement around supporting the transition from supported to open employment.
Key question 2: There are some good research papers measuring social integration, financial independence, sense of self and other quality of life outcomes for what is good participation and how to measure it. I would recommend that you actually consider measuring by retention of the job and ability to meet work demands are the key indicators. This is more about sustainability rather than short term achievements.
Key question 4: Not being able to do work related tasks; stress of not feeling confident to do the tasks; socialisation within open employment has not been fulfilling; financial reward has not been significant; transport too difficult; jobs being sent offshore.
Key question 5: Strategic training around what skills, expectations, methods they need to help sustain open employment. And to also communicate those to the open employer.
Key question 6: Knowledge that they can do it; lack of confidence and belief they can succeed in open employment; loss of ADE friendships and socialisation networks.
Key question 7: Look at quality education opportunities for their workers to help in building capacity for the transition.
Key question 8: Combination of education and employment models; more variety of employment locations.
Key question 14: Fund research projects into what is successful; have state and commonwealth awards to celebrate inclusion.