Capacity building supports
This section covers the second section of the General Supports Consultation Paper – capacity building.
This is about how people, and their families and carers, are empowered and supported to be independent, have choice and control and connect with peers, networks and activities in their communities.
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Information from the consultation paper
Individual and family capacity building includes activities that help build the skills, knowledge and confidence of people with disability to:
- participate in their community
- be more independent.
Community capacity building is about mainstream services and community supports and activities delivering services that are appropriate to needs of people with disability.
In regard to General Supports, capacity building includes:
For individuals: Improved access to peer support groups, support around
self-advocacy, rights awareness, decision-making, leadership development, relationship building and life skills development.
For families and carers: Peer support, parenting groups and workshops, education and training, building skills in advocacy and rights-awareness, family leadership and development.
Community: Building the capability of community organisations (like sporting clubs, arts groups) and at the whole-of-sector or community level to deliver disability-inclusive and accessible services. Projects would focus on providing advice and resources that support equitable access to quality and inclusive community services for people with disability.