National Carer Strategy – Evidence that informed the development of the National Carer Strategy
Over the past six months, we have heard from over 1800 carers about their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Through a robust consultation campaign, we facilitated over 100 consultation activities, in-person and online across every state and territory, in urban, regional and remote locations. We received over 750 responses to a discussion paper and questionnaire.
The National Carer Strategy Advisory Committee guided the development of the Strategy.
Summaries of the consultations are found below.
- Carers Australia [PDF 130 kB]
- Deloitte [PDF 264 kB]
- Disability Advocacy Network Australia [PDF 110 kB]
Additionally, we engaged the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) to conduct a rapid scoping review of the carer landscape including national and state and territory data sources and reports about Australia’s unpaid carers.