A draft Quality Framework for the Disability Employment Services Program

This consultation is now closed.
In the 25 October 2022 Commonwealth Budget, the Australian Government announced that the Disability Employment Services Program will be extended for a further two years to 30 June 2025.
The Budget measure also included a range of enhancements to be implemented to the existing program for the extension period. These enhancements encompass performance, data, quality and assurance.
A key part of this is the proposed implementation of a new Quality Framework, which supports the existing Key Performance Indicators as set out 2018 Performance Framework. The aim is to work with the sector and other stakeholders towards mutual quality aims, without creating undue burden on providers, employers or participants.
The content of this discussion paper was presented to DES providers at an industry forum on 5 December 2022 and forms part of broader efforts focused on the performance of DES Providers. However, input is welcomed from other organisations (such as peak bodies and advocacy groups) as well as from individuals. We intend to garner a broad range of views on this framework – including through additional targeted consultations in early 2023.
With that in mind, the draft framework (outlined in this discussion paper) has been developed with reference to a range of existing employment and disability services performance frameworks. The draft comprises five distinct ‘Quality Elements’:
- Participants’ rights
- Quality of service
- Provider capability and governance
- Feedback and complaints
- Formal assurance.
Have your say
Individuals read the discussion paper which provides further detail on each of the ‘Quality Elements’ including proposed quality indicators, measurement mechanisms and support measures. It also includes a number of discussion questions to guide (but not limit) their feedback.
To have their say on the design and implementation of the Quality Framework, individuals could make a written submission by responding to a brief survey and providing comments via free text box and/or by uploading a submission. Comments and submissons could be responses to the questions in the discussion paper and/or any other feedback they wished to provide.
Private individuals responding to the survey were not required to provide personal information if they did not wish to. People responding on behalf of organisations were asked to provide their name, position, contact email address and the name of their organisation.
Submissions closed on 13 March 2023.