A draft Service Delivery Model for a proposed new carer support service system

This consultation has now closed.
Share your thoughts on a draft model for a future carer support service system
The Australian Government is committed to supporting and sustaining the vital work of unpaid carers, and has developed a draft Service Delivery Model for a proposed new carer support service system.
The draft Service Delivery Model proposes a new integrated carer support service system that outlines both the types of services and how those services are suggested to be delivered in a future model. The draft Service Delivery Model was informed by a co-design process with carers and the sector, and input from the public consultation on the draft Service Concept earlier in 2016.
The focus of the draft Service Delivery Model is to provide more services to more carers, with the aim to reach carers earlier in their caring journey in order to sustain them by providing supports that build their capacity, reduce strain, enable increased participation in education and the workforce and ultimately improve wellbeing.
The draft Service Delivery Model forms the second stage of the Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services (the Plan), which was announced in the 2015-16 Budget. The first stage of the Plan included the design and implementation of Carer Gateway, which commenced in December 2015 and offers a website and national phone service specifically to help carers.
During November and December 2016, the public was invited to share their thoughts and ideas on the draft Service Delivery Model for a proposed new integrated carer support service system by making a submission or by participating in a carer survey.
The submissions that have been permitted to be made publically available are at the tab ‘View public submissions’.
Available at the ‘view Summary Report’ tab is the Public Consultation on the draft Service Delivery Model: Summary Report.
The information contained in the report is a summary of the key themes raised from the submissions received in response to the consultation documents and the responses from the carer survey.
Any further work on a new integrated carer support service system would be subject to a Government decision.