Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031: Consultation to inform the Strategy Guides

This consultation is now closed.
Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (the Strategy) is a national plan to improve the lives of people with disability. The Strategy was developed by all levels of government and with people with disability, their families, carers and representatives. It was developed over two years of consultation. The Strategy is available on the Disability Gateway.
Governments are consulting on the development of two new Guides under the Strategy to help improve its implementation:
- A guide to assist governments, businesses and the community to apply the Strategy’s Guiding Principles.
- A guide on how governments, businesses and the community can Involve People with Disability in Evaluations.
Both guides will drive improvements to policies, programs and services so they are accessible and inclusive for people with disability.
A Guide to apply the Strategy’s Guiding Principles
Under the Strategy, there are eight Guiding Principles to help governments, business and the community better include people with disability.
We want to find out your thoughts on how governments, business and the community can use the guiding principles. This will help us to develop a Guide to help those who will use the Guiding Principles when developing policies, programs and services that will impact on people with disability.
Who should participate: People with disability, their families, carers and representatives, policy makers, academics, businesses, community organisations and people working in the disability sector. Individuals or organisations who will be developing future policies, programs and services for people with disability.
A Guide to Involve People with Disability in Evaluation
We also want to find out your thoughts on how people with disability can be included in the evaluation of policies, programs and services. This will help us to develop a Guide to Involving People with Disability in Evaluations, so governments know what is working well and how to improve things for people with disability in the future.
Who should participate: People with disability, their families, carers and representatives, policy makers, academics, businesses, community organisations and people working in the disability sector. Individuals or organisations who will be developing future policies, programs and services for people with disability.
How can I make a submission?
You can provide feedback on both of the Strategy Guides, or just one.
We have drafted consultation papers that will assist you in providing your feedback.
For each guide you will be given a choice about whether you want to use:
- an Easy Read version
- a summary consultation paper or
- the full consultation paper
If using the full consultation paper, the questions will be more technical in nature, if using the summary consultation paper or the Easy Read these questions will be less technical. All answers will be used to shape the Strategy Guides.
You will be required to provide answers against the questions in free text boxes.
We understand written submissions aren’t for everyone. There are also other ways to make a submission.
Submissions close on Wednesday 30 November 2022 at 11:59 pm (AEST).
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To keep up-to-date with information regarding the Strategy Guides and other opportunities to provide input on the Strategy, you can visit the Strategy’s Hub via