Blueprint Expert Reference Group – Developing a Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint

In October 2022, the Australian Government tasked the Community Services Advisory Group (CSAG) to develop a Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint (NFP Blueprint). In December 2022, CSAG established the Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG). BERG comprises 9 representatives from the Community Services Sector. The BERG is leading the work to develop a fully consulted Blueprint to deliver advice to Government charting out a better future for the Australian not-for-profit (NFP) and charities sector. The Blueprint will be used to develop a suite of sector-led workable and effective options for reform to strengthen social capital and a vibrant sector.
The purpose of the consultation is to invite your feedback on the principles and priorities of a Blueprint for Australia’s not-for-profit (NFP) sector. The NFP Sector Development Blueprint Issues Paper (NFP Blueprint Issues Paper) forms the basis of this consultation.
The Issues Paper and 2 page Summary Vision document include a number of discussion questions to guide (but not limit) your feedback. You can share your views by addressing some or all of the questions outlined in the Issues Paper, or you may choose to provide us with your feedback and thoughts without responding to any particular question.
Submissions responding to the issues paper closed on Wednesday 20 December 2023.