Organisation Submission – Western Australia Country Health Service

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Health Service

WA Country Health Service

Kathy Stack, Aged Care Program Manager, WA Country Health Service provides the following comments:

The new integrated carer support service should be connected at a regional and local level to be more effective and locally responsive to the different regional environments and the different needs of carers in the small communities especially remote.

Multiple access methods should be provided to suit the needs of different cohorts – digital, face to face, shop front etc. and multiple language options.

Attracting and engaging hidden carers to provide early intervention is admirable, and could be facilitated through media promotion and community and service education. I feel it is important however to understand that often the carer needs to be ready to engage and access support. This readiness may not just be pride, denial or resistance it may actually be a personal or cultural choice, which needs to be respected.

Choice in service mix are important. A carer should be able to choose what they feel they need from a core range of services ie. emotional support and mentoring or financial support or respite etc. In this way confidence and familiarity with services can be built.

Dementia friendly café’s provide a community approach to supporting carers, families and those living with cognitive impairment. Community initiatives should be encouraged.