Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network
Melinda Smith melinda.smith@justicehealth.nsw.gov.au | Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network Person with disability
Melinda Smith melinda.smith@justicehealth.nsw.gov.au | Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network Person with disability
Brook McKail Brooke.McKail@vcoss.org.au Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) Other Rep body
Caroline Romeo hacc@eccnsw.org.au Ethnic Communities Council of NSW Person with disability
mnbutch eo@dais.org.au Disabiliy Advocacy and information Service Advocacy agency DAIS is pleased to be able to make the attached submission to the review of the…
Chelsea McKinney CMcKinney@waamh.org.au Western Australian Association for Mental Health Person with disability
Jodie Cook Public.Advocate@justice.qld.gov.au Office of the Public Advocate (Qld) Person with disability
Ken Hardaker advocacy@advocacytasmania.org.au Advocacy Tasmania Inc. Advocacy agency
Jenny Dixon manager@speakoutadvocacy.org Speak Out Association of Tasmania Person with disability
Caroline Romeo hacc@eccnsw.org.au Ethnic Communities Council of NSW Person with disability Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework: Discussion Paper 31 July 2015 About the…
Wendy Rose wendyrose@edac.org.au Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre Advocacy agency Response to Discussion Paper: Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework July 2015 Ethnic Disability Advocacy…
Nell Brown 2nell.brown@gmail.com Other Personal Submission
Bob Buckley cnvnr@a4.org.au Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) Advocacy agency To the DSS advocacy and access team, Thank you for the opportunity to provide input…
office@capricornca.org.au office@capricornca.org.au Capricorn Citizen Advocacy Advocacy agency Capricorn Citizen Advocacy delivers individual disability advocacy using the citizen advocacy model. Our program endorses the valuable submissions…
Ethnic Community Services Co-operative stephanie.d@ecsc.org.au Ethnic Community Services Co-operative Advocacy agency Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
independentadvocacysainc indepadv5@internode.on.net Independent Advocacy SA Inc. Advocacy agency
Disability Council NSW Disability.Council@facs.nsw.gov.au Other Ministerial Advisory Council
Deborah Verdon dverdon@vic.chariot.net.au Victorian Rural Advocacy Network Advocacy agency Victorian Rural Advocacy Network (VICran) comprises the following agencies: Grampians disAbility Advocacy Association Gippsland Disability Advocacy…
Caroline Pegg cpegg@acdtas.com.au The Association for Children with Disability (TAS) Inc. (ACD) Other Specialist Disability Family Support Service
ADAS lorraine_gibbs@clc.net.au Darwin Community Legal Service Advocacy agency
DRAS eo@dras.com.au Disability Rights Advocacy Service Person with disability