National Disability Advocacy Framework

Ethnic Communities Council of NSW

Caroline Romeo Ethnic Communities Council of NSW Person with disability Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework: Discussion Paper 31 July 2015 About the…

Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre

Wendy Rose Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre Advocacy agency Response to Discussion Paper: Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework July 2015 Ethnic Disability Advocacy…

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4)

Bob Buckley Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) Advocacy agency To the DSS advocacy and access team, Thank you for the opportunity to provide input…

Capricorn Citizen Advocacy Capricorn Citizen Advocacy Advocacy agency Capricorn Citizen Advocacy delivers individual disability advocacy using the citizen advocacy model. Our program endorses the valuable submissions…

Ethnic Community Services Co-operative

Ethnic Community Services Co-operative Ethnic Community Services Co-operative Advocacy agency Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

Disability Council NSW

Disability Council NSW Other Ministerial Advisory Council

Victorian Rural Advocacy Network

Deborah Verdon Victorian Rural Advocacy Network Advocacy agency Victorian Rural Advocacy Network (VICran) comprises the following agencies: Grampians disAbility Advocacy Association Gippsland Disability Advocacy…