Carers NSW
sarahj Carers NSW Other Carer organisation
sarahj Carers NSW Other Carer organisation
cbigby LaTrobe University Other Academic Researcher I would like to submit for your consideration a summary report of an ARC Linkage grant that explored…
Goodship Side By Side Advocacy Inc. Advocacy agency See attached
ChristinaRyan Advocacy for Inclusion Advocacy agency The current framework is well drafted and was only recently signed off in December 2012. It took about…
Molly Disability service provider Do you believe the current Frameork encompasses your vision of advocacy in the NDIS environment? if not, what changes are…
s.stevens Person with disability 1. Do you believe the current Framework encompasses your vision of advocacy in the NDIS environment? If not, what changes…
SASInc Self Advocacy Sydney Person with disability Our feedback came form people with disability with the help from our staff Julie and Stephen…see attachment
Michelle OFlynn Queensland Advocacy Incorp. Advocacy agency Queensland Advocacy Incorporated is an independent, community-based systems and individual advocacy organisation and a community legal service…
Gary Kimlin Family member of a person with disability “• Disability advocacy ensures that views represented meet the individual preferences, goals and needs of…
Melissa Lowrie Deaf Victoria Advocacy agency We believe that the Disability Advocacy Framework accurately reflects what people with disabilities need from advocacy, however the…
Annette Bush Person with disability I am a parent of a young man with a disability who currently attends our local high school in…
billkinn CAWS Advocacy agency I am a volunteer advocate for a couple of people with intellectual disabilities (protégés) and a private guardian for another.…
Frank Australian Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network Inc. Advocacy agency My name is Frank Filardo. A family member has been diagnosed with dual disability. In…