Family Advocacy
Advocacy agency Family Advocacy Please accept this updated submission. Kind regards, Meg Clement-Couzner, Family Advocacy
Advocacy agency Family Advocacy Please accept this updated submission. Kind regards, Meg Clement-Couzner, Family Advocacy
Advocacy agency Advocacy Tasmania Inc.
Disability peak body Physical Disability Council of NSW Please find attached PDCN’s response to the NDAP discussion paper. I would like to make note for…
Advocacy agency Action for More Independence & Dignity in Accommodation (AMIDA) Please find attached, the AMIDA submission.
Advocacy agency Melbourne East Disability Advocacy (MEDA) Melbourne East Disability Advocacy has provided a submission to the NDAP Program review. The submission responds to the…
Advocacy agency People with Disabilities WA Inc Please find attached our submission to this review. Kind Regards Samantha Jenkinson
Advocacy agency Basic Rights Queensland Our submission attached
Other Qld Council of Social Services Community Service peak body
Advocacy agency Side By Side Advocacy Incorporated The NDAP should provide adequate geographical Advocacy coverage for Individual, Citizen, Self and Legal forms of advocacy which…
Disability peak body Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council Inc The Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council Inc [VMIAC] has a determined view as to the future…
Other Self Advocacy Resource Unit SARU Please find attached submsiion from the Victorian Self Advocacy Resource Unit
Advocacy agency Qld. Advocacy Inc. We recognise that the review of the NDAP is a comprehensive process requiring stages of consultations for the Department to…
Other Siblings Australia Inc supports for siblings of people with disability
Disability peak body FECCA Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia
Person with disability Thank you for accepting my submission on National Disability Advocacy Program. As a person with a disability and the parent of two…
Person with disability I am concerned about the lack of availability of advocacy services for people with mental health disability subject to unfair treatment in…
Advocacy agency Rights Information and Advocacy Centre
Advocacy agency Disability Justice Advocacy inc. Please see attached Parts 1 & 2 of submission from Disability Justice Advocacy inc. and page with active links.
Family member of a person with disability Maree Buckwalter Thank you for the opportunity to make this submission. I have for the last thirty years…
Carer of a person with disability