NDIS Code of Conduct May 2017
Natasha Cebalo, ACIA
Claire Spivakovsky
Kym Goodes, Tasmanian Council of Social Service Inc.
Commonwealth Ombudsman
Michael Tucker, Autism Family Support Association Inc.
Amanda Bresnan, Community Mental Health Australia
Kit Wong, OC Connections
Adam Johnston, ADJ Consultancy Services
Annette Byron, Dietitians Association of Australia
Cliff Stephens
The proposed Code of Conduct summary does not specifically mention ‘Dignity of Risk’ nor does it specifically address the importance of communication Further details included…
Braedan Hogan, Amaze
Disability Services Commissioner
Michelle O’Flynn, Queensland Advocacy Incorporated
Louise Sutcliffe, Western Sydney Community Forum
Raelene West, RMIT University
Liz Wall-Smith
The Four Corners – ABC report, Fighting the System, highlights again the continuing injustice inflicted by the current methodology demanded by a broken disability sector.…
Joanne Purdue, NSWNMA
Annette Herbert, mother/self manager
Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the NDIS code of conduct. The greatest injustice we serve people with disability is to…