Considerations for the future of the Volunteer Management Activity

This consultation has now closed.
Volunteering plays a critical role in building strong and resilient communities by supporting local community organisations in their efforts to overcome disadvantage and solve complex social problems.
The Australian Government currently provides a total of $18.8 million (excluding GST) in funding from 1 January 2018 until 30 June 2021 for the Volunteer Management Activity (VMA), plus indexation.
The VMA provides support through Volunteer Support Services to individual volunteers, volunteer leaders and managers, and Volunteer Involving Organisations to encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering.
In 2017, the Australian Government indicated the VMA must be redesigned. The purpose of this Discussion Paper is to outline and seek views on the key issues for consideration when thinking about the future of volunteer management and the role of the Australian Government.
Please use the template provided to respond to the discussion questions outlined in the Discussion Paper.
In November 2017, Matthews Pegg consulting (mpconsulting) was commissioned to conduct an independent review into the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of the Volunteer Management Activity program.
The final report was recevied by the Department in October 2018.
On 13 February 2020, the Minister for Families and Social Services, Senator the Hon Anne Ruston, released the Report on the Review of the Volunteer Management Activity (the Review).