Anonymous submission 11


Greater recognition of the lifelong impact of adoption on an intercountry adopted person’s life …… and the intergenerational trauma that can result with impact on parenting and other relationships.

Greater recognition of the impact of early trauma and its lifelong effects….and need for long term trauma-informed support with highly skilled professionals, as well as greater education and support for the intercountry adoptive parents and families.

Greater understanding of the therapeutic role intercountry adoptive parents can be in their children’s life ….and greater provision of support / education for parents ( which could result long term in less reliance on outside professionals such as psychologists and other counselling services etc)


The adequate funding of a peak body / “one stop shop” eg an ” intercountry adoption hub” in each state where a range of support services can be accessed for intercountry adoptees across the lifespan from childhood through to adulthood incl a range of “peer support programs”, adoption education programs, counselling incl for search and reunion activities, as well as brokerage to access therapeutic programs such as art and other therapies.

eg in Victoria, the organisation, “Permanent Care and Adoptive Families”, could be funded to offer such a service.


There would also be great benefit in providing small grants to small not for profit community organisations eg various intercountry adoptive family or adoptee support groups which have arisen over many years to support eg particular cultural groups – eg ICARN in Vic

There is a great need to identify that search and reunion issues can often be another most significant aspect of an intercountry adopted person’s journey over their lifetime …..
Search…. and reunion ….. create a whole new path to navigate over a lifetime, not just short term.


The funding and hosting of regular adoption focused national conferences can be important opportunities for greater collaboration.
Funding of such conferences needs to allow people with lived adoption experience to attend, not just professionals … and needs to include invited guests form sending countries in order to enhance their understanding of the society which intercountry adoptees are growing up in here in Australia.

There would be great benefit in involvement of people with lived experience of intercountry adoption and intercountry adoptive parenting in training of professionals from undergraduate level up, eg in University social work and teacher training courses, as well as a greater lived experience workforce in placement agencies and search and reunion services.

Mental health services also need greater education and training in understanding intercountry adoption and its impact and offer greater early intervention and support services.

Greater research in intercountry adoption and its lifelong outcomes could inform better practice.