Disability Employment Framework – Round Two

This consultation has now closed.
The Australian Government wants to get more people with disability into jobs. We see a future where people with disability, like other Australians, can enjoy the economic and social gains work brings.
A taskforce was established in April 2015 to review the entire disability employment system and develop a new National Disability Employment Framework to improve employment outcomes for people with disability.
As part of this, the Taskforce has led two rounds of national public consultation. Round One was held in May and June this year, where we asked what is and isn’t working with the current disability employment system, and how can we improve employment outcomes for people with disability. Over 700 people attended 38 public forums across Australia and more than 120 written submissions were received. Information on the first round of consultation, including the Consultation Report and Issues Paper are on the Round One Engage page. The views shared with us during round one of the consultation, along with other research, have informed the development of a more detailed Discussion Paper.
The Discussion Paper formed the basis for the second round of consultation about a new National Disability Employment Framework. The Discussion Paper outlines a case for changing disability employment services and describes how four key areas of disability employment policy may work in the future. These four areas are:
- Individualised funding and market-based service provision;
- Better support for employers and jobs creation;
- Improved ongoing support and supported employment; and
- Better use of new technology in the creation of a virtual marketplace.
We held information sessions in all capital cities to present the ideas proposed in the Discussion Paper. Participants were also invited to complete an online survey, where they were able to provide us with more detailed feedback.