Disability Employment Services Draft Performance Framework

The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that Australians with disability have equal opportunities for inclusion and participation in the community, including in employment. The Disability Employment Service (DES) supports people with disability to find and maintain sustainable employment in the open labour market.
To measure provider performance following the cessation of the Star Ratings, the Department is developing a redesigned Provider Performance Framework (Performance Framework). This framework will be a foundation for the Disability Employment Services (DES) program in 2024-25 and is expected to continue to evolve in line with DES reforms.
The Performance Framework is intended to replace the DES 2018 Performance Framework, Star Ratings (2018) and Interim Performance Measures (2023). It aims to monitor and measure the performance of providers against an agreed set of key performance measures and work with them to continuously improve the overall performance of the program. This will assist in achieving meaningful and sustainable employment outcomes for participants.
A copy of the draft Framework can be access through the “Draft Framework” button.
A survey, conducted by Ernst & Young, is collecting your feedback on the draft Framework. Please click on the “Provide Feedback” button to access this survey and provide your opinions: