Disability Employment Services Reform 2018 – Industry Information Paper

This consultation has now closed.
The Industry Information paper has been updated on 28 July 2017 and subsequently the updated version was published on 1 August 2017. The document change history provides the details of the updates.
In the 2017 Federal Budget, the Government reaffirmed its commitment to improving employment outcomes for people with disability and announced changes to the Disability Employment Services (DES) program. More information on the Budget announcement is available.
The changes aim to better meet the needs of participants with disability, injury or health condition; and be more rewarding for DES providers who successfully connect people with lasting employment. The changes will start from 1 July 2018.
An Industry Information Paper has been released by the Department of Social Services to inform the sector and interested parties of key program changes and new provider arrangements to take effect from 1 July 2018.
The Industry Information Paper outlines a two-stage Grant Application process for organisations considering delivering Disability Employment Services from 1 July 2018.
The first stage will be a non-competitive Registration of Interest (ROI) process. The ROI will be advertised on the Department of Social Services’ Community Grants Hub website and organisations are encouraged to subscribe to receive Hub updates and other grant alerts.
The second stage will invite all organisations who registered their interest to apply to join the panel of DES providers through a restricted non-competitive Grant Application process that will be open for six weeks.
A series of information sessions were conducted during June and July 2017 to allow interested parties to ask questions about the new arrangements.
This consultation has now closed.