Early Years Strategy

This consultation has now closed.
The Australian Government has developed a draft Early Years Strategy 2024-2034 (Strategy) to shape its vision for the future of Australia’s children and their families.
Recognising how critical the early years are for children’s development and later outcomes in life, the Strategy seeks to support improved coordination between Commonwealth programs, funding and frameworks impacting early childhood development.
We asked for feedback and ideas on the draft Strategy to help shape and refine the final version.
About the Early Years Strategy
The Australian Government committed to developing an Early Years Strategy to improve the lives of children in Australia.
The Department of Social Services undertook broad consultations between January and August 2023 to hear what should be in the Strategy.
We heard from parents, grandparents, service providers, academics, governments, and most importantly – young children.
Consultation included the National Early Years Summit in February 2023 as well as a survey, discussion paper submissions, roundtables and children’s consultations. Read The Early Years Strategy Consultation Report 2023.
The draft Strategy is based on what we heard in these consultations. It includes a vision, principles, outcomes and priority focus areas.
The Strategy is intended to be an overarching 10-year document. The Strategy will be implemented through Action Plans, as well as an Outcomes Framework to measure its progress and effectiveness. Action Plans will be developed after the Strategy is finalised.
More information can be found on the DSS website.