Families and Children (FaC) Activity – Children, youth and parenting programs discussion paper

The submission deadline has been extended from 24 January 2025 to 10 February 2025
The department recently conducted an internal review of the FaC Activity children, youth and parenting programs. We are now conducting external consultation to explore the findings of the internal review.
The programs reviewed were:
- Children and Parenting Support (CaPS)
- Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP)
- Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS)
The purpose of the review was to understand the benefits of the programs for families and children, as well as the opportunities and challenges in relation to the service provision and program implementation. This work was developed in consultation with the sector, experts and families.
The findings of this review are explored in the Discussion Paper.
A summary of the findings on the internal review can be found in the Evidence Paper.
We invite you to make a submission to help shape the future of children, youth and parenting programs.
The department is also holding workshops in each of the state and territories and online to answer questions you may have about the Discussion Paper. We invite representatives from the sector, peak bodies, academics and experts to register for a session below.
More information on the FaC Activity can be found on the DSS website. Please direct inquiries to families@dss.gov.au.