First Nations Disability Forum

In July 2024, all governments accepted in principle Disability Royal Commission (Royal Commission) recommendation 9.10 to establish a First Nations Disability Forum (Forum). Governments committed to work in partnership with First Nations people to develop options for a Forum or other appropriate shared decision-making mechanism (see Australian Government Response to the Royal Commission and respective state and territory responses).
The Department of Social Services (the department) is seeking input on how a First Nations Disability Forum could be designed. We are seeking insights and recommendations from a number of stakeholders, including:
- First Nations people with disability, families, carers and communities
- Peak bodies and representative bodies
- Community-controlled organisations
- Disability support providers
- Mainstream services
- Researchers
How this information will be used
Your response will help shape future advice to government about the Royal Commission’s recommendation to establish a Forum (recommendation 9.10). In particular, how a shared decision-making Forum could work in practice.
Please refer to the Privacy Notice for important information on the collection of personal information and how it is used.
Providing a Response
Closing date for submissions:Â 25 February 2025.
To support you when providing your response, we have developed an Engagement Paper which provides useful information about the proposed Forum and background to the Disability Royal Commission. The Engagement Paper is also available in an Easy Read version.
You can provide a response either by using the available spaces or a separate attachment using the Make a submission form. If you experience any issues with using the online portal, you can also submit a response using the below options:
By post:
Australia’s Disability Strategy Branch
Department of Social Services
GPO Box 9820
ACT 2601
By email:
By phone: 02 5162 7335
Please note: the department will be closed from 12:30pm 24 December 2024 to 9:00am 2 January 2025 (AEDT).
Please note that the engagement papers attached to this submission refer to the original closing date. The department is accepting submissions until 25 February 2025.