Wyndarra Centre
It is very disapointing to read about the changes to this program. Providers deliver the best service at the moment in the most economic way possible. The working poor would be further discriminated agaist as they will not be entitled to any benefit and are worse off than those on Centrelink benefits, who are already living below the poverty line.
Why would you want to discriminate more against the most vuneralbe in our communities.
Maybe we should all live in their world for a fortnight, on the amount of money they recieve and see how this restricts our life styles.
Wyndarra is a one stop shop (intergrated services) which does look at the whole person holistically sees the whole picture and realises how difficult it is for some people.
We believe Financial Wellbeing and Capability service prevents domestic and family violence as the impact of not having enough money is one of the great stressors in a relationship.
Maybe we should all live in their world for a fortnight, on the amount of money they recieve and see how this restricts our life styles.
Is this a counsult or an insult