Stable Help Inc
5.1What do you see as the key issues involved in evaluating the FWC Activity? “Peoples lives cannot be reduced to a statistic. Their complexities cannot be put on a data base. Their hopelessness cannot be measured. Their poverty cannot be eradicated by programs.”
5.2What would you like to see as the main focus of the evaluation? ” Personal stories of moving from hopelessness to hopefulness/ Movement upon a pathway.”
4.1Do ER and CFC/FC workers need to build capacity? If so, how might this be done? “Free training with accreditation for ER workers. Good Personal Development Opportunities for FCs and CFCs preferrably online as they have busy jobs.”
3.1What strategies can you utilise to support a client to improve their financial and/or employment outcomes?” Doorways to assistance come through ER, WFtD, accommodation for homeless men. These doors flow to Financial Counselling and budget assistance, hands on training and life skills training through mentoring. Connections to businesses who are willing to provide further work experience or part time work.”
3.2How does your service currently deal with clients who present to your service on multiple occasions? “Government funded assistance is limited to 3 helps per year. Followed by encouragement to attend Financial Counselling. Further food assistance is given through food parcels provided by local business.” At what point should additional support and requirements apply to repeat ER clients? Newstart is well below the poverty line so ongoing food support is required indefinitely. Financial counselling intervention is encouraged when client presents with signs of anxiety. Clients are required to have Financial Counselling before a 4th help can be given. What barriers do you see in implementing these requirements with your clients? What support would you need to implement such a proposal? “Clients cannot be forced to do budgeting or financial counselling. If they are forced they miss the appointment or bring no supporting documents and generally waste the workers time.”
ER Workers could be trained in quick budgeting skills such as difference between needs and wants, simple budgeting utilities, and have an emphasis of the week or promotion of the week promoting one topic. Emphasis on quick and simple as client is usually only interested in having their needs met now. ”
2.2What effect will the requirement to formalise relationships with other organisations have on your service? How do you see these relationships working to maximise their effectiveness? “Our service could be cut out by big operators such as Anglicare as they have facilities in one building. Our services are spread over 8 agencies with varying capacity to provide assistance. We all provide a warm family experience and we would really be missed by our community. Many peoples needs are met by love alone.”
2.4What elements would need to be present to ensure a hub model is successful in your community? What additional support would you need to establish a hub in your community? “We have a co-ordinated approach but we would need to streamline our communication between agencies and clarify our referral sources, increase skills of the workers, particularly case management skills, engage younger volunteers and operate from a common triage technique with clear common flow chart to lines of assistance.”
2.6How could Australian Government funding be used differently to better support integration of FWC services?
1.1What would help you to strengthen cooperation with other services (e.g. family support services and jobactive/job network providers) in your community? What additional support would you need to achieve this?
1.2What effect will the requirement to formalise relationships with other organisations have on your service? How do you see these relationships working to maximise their effectiveness?
“Formalised relationships may increase larger organisations and government funded programs of the facilities that are available in smaller volunteer based organisations in a community.”
1.4What elements would need to be present to ensure a hub model is successful in your community? What additional support would you need to establish a hub in your community? “I believe there should be multiple outlets across our city of Onkaparinga as the city is spread out and public transport cannot cover the city efficiently. A good example is in the co-ordination model that we currently have in SURF fund joining a number of church agencies manned by volunteers. The current common data base should be improved with chat facilities (online?) to a network of support. There should be a clear and common flow chart from entry point, flowing through various priorities to relevant resources. Data base should have contacts for all resources available in the hub and the wider community so ongoing support can be arranged before the client leaves the place of contact. Co-ordinator and agency workers will need training to ensure that they are skilled in referring, case management, data entry. Funds should be directed as much as possible to the client need.”
“Government funds should be more stable for organisations as often we loose our valuable resources and networks as their funding ceases. It seems the most useful programs for ER workers referrals are cut. Eg family support, drug rehabilitation, child services, Financial Counsellors.”