Have your say about experiences reporting income under the Paid Income Model, compared to the previous Earned Income Model

This consultation has now closed.
In December 2020, there was a change to the way people who receive social security support from the Government report the income they receive from an employer. Professional services firm KPMG has been engaged by the Department of Social Services to conduct an independent review of the legislative change. Broad public consultation on this change will form the basis of an independent review of the Social Services and Other Legislative Amendment (Simplifying Income Reporting and Other Measures) Act 2020.
The consultation seeks to understand the experiences of people reporting income under the Paid Income Model, in comparison to the previous Earned Income Model.
About the review
The review is being undertaken by KPMG, an independent professional services firm. Views expressed through the review will be summarised into a report, which will be provided to the Minister for Families and Social Services and tabled in Parliament.
Who do KPMG and DSS want to hear from
All members of the public and additional stakeholders such as peak bodies, advocacy groups, not-for-profit, charitable and community organisations, are invited to fully contribute and have their say.
KPMG and DSS want to hear from anyone who receives a payment from Centrelink and is required to report their (or their partner’s) income, all types of people and organisations or groups who represent or advocate on behalf of people receiving a social security payment*. We are also interested in hearing from experts in social security law and persons who have expertise in any other area of public policy.
*Where we refer to ‘social security payment’ – this also includes the Farm Allowance and Status Resolution Support Services.
How to have your say
Consultation is open from 14 March 2022 to 22 April 2022. During this time, you can submit your feedback by:
The short survey invites responses from both individuals and organisations. The survey asks questions related to:
- Demographics to ensure we’re consulting with a range of different stakeholders
- Overall experience with the income reporting process
- Changes in the experience of reporting income since the legislative change was implemented
- Awareness of the legislative change at the time of transition
- Challenges during the transition process
- Impacts of the legislative change (including for those receiving pensioner payments)
If completing the short survey, feedback will not be attributed back to you or the organisation you are representing. If lodging a written submission, you will be asked if you wish to make your / your organisation’s submission publicly available after the consultation period has closed. All feedback will not be used for any purpose other than to inform the independent review.
How to encourage others to have their say
We’d also encourage peak bodies, advocacy groups, not-for-profit and charitable organisations to raise awareness of the consultation in their own communication with stakeholders. Please email incomereporting@kpmg.com.au to be sent materials for how to share information on the consultation via email, social media, newsletters or a website.
Any questions?
Please email incomereporting@kpmg.com.au with any questions or complaints on this consultation or for further information.
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