A National Consumer Protection Framework for online wagering – Consultation Regulation Impact Statement

This consultation has now closed.
On 7 September 2015, the former Minister for Social Services, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, asked the Hon Barry O’Farrell to conduct a review of the impact of illegal offshore wagering (O’Farrell Review). The O’Farrell Review was conducted to investigate the size and scope of the illegal offshore wagering problem and advise on ways to strengthen Australia’s regulatory enforcement, and protect Australians from illegal offshore wagering operators.
On 28 April 2016, the Minister for Communications, Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, and the Minister for Human Services, the Hon Alan Tudge MP released the 2015 Review of Illegal Offshore Wagering and the Australian Government’s response. The Australian Government accepted in full or in principle 18 of the O’Farrell Review’s 19 recommendations.
A core component of the Government’s response to the O’Farrell Review was the development of a National Consumer Protection Framework for online wagering (National Framework). The Commonwealth and state and territory governments are working to jointly develop, and put in place the National Framework as soon as possible. The National Framework will ensure greater national consistency and stronger consumer protection measures, for individuals using legal online wagering products in Australia.
A Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) has been developed to canvass the options for a National Framework in order to determine their relative costs and benefits and regulatory impacts. The Consultation RIS:
- establishes the problem that governments are trying to address
- identifies policy options to address the problem
- asks a series of consultation questions to elicit feedback on the options and impacts, including costs and benefits.
Following this Consultation RIS process, your feedback will be used to develop a Decision RIS to support decision making by Commonwealth and state and territory governments.