Individual submission – Jillene Delahunty
I am a carer
Jillene Delahunty
I have only recently been identified officially as a carer for my mother who is 90 years old. Although I have actually been providing support for many years, the assistance role has increased over the last 12 months. Over the last 12 months, there are increased issues with her mobility, eyesight and hearing which impact on her basic activities of daily living. Yet the criteria for a Centre link Carer allowance does not cover all the additional tasks I am doing. (Shopping/ Transport – lack of mobility, Interpretation of information – significant hearing loss and Cleaning/ Clothing maintenance – personal care.
The criteria for Carer allowance needs a review as it does not cater for a older citizen who wishes to maintain their independence, who can still do their personal care but needs a large amount of assistance with the daily and weekly tasks of getting food in, doing their business and around the home.
Will the review cover these issues as the unpaid carers just continue in their roles with minimal assistance from the Australian government because they are unable set criteria?
Also, the concept of being on call day and night does not really allow me to have employment as my mother’s change every day with the number of hours varying from 2 to 5 hours depending on what is needed to be done.
Where is this daily schedule of tasks covered in the Aged Care package or within Centre link?
We have an ageing population of people from 60 years upwards( Baby Boomers) and there is an opportunity to put some thought and practices into place for the future.