National Consumer Protection Framework for online wagering: 12-Month Review of the Customer Verification Measure

This consultation has now closed.
As set out in the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering in Australia – :National Policy Statement (National Policy Statement) all governments committed to review the customer verification period 12 months from the date the new maximum 14 day rules came into effect, with a view to reducing the customer verification timeframe further to 72 hours.
The Commonwealth, through the Department of Social Services (the Department), is leading this Review.
This discussion paper invites interested and affected parties to provide comments and views on the timeframe for customer verification for online wagering.
Information and data collected through this Review will help the Department to better understand the impact the recent reduction to the customer verification period has had on industry, consumers, as well as self-excluded and underage individuals and anticipate the impact of any further reductions.
This Review will also assist the Department to ensure any changes to the current customer verification period reflects current technological capacity, global best practice and social expectations.
The Department will review comments received and it is anticipated that recommendations will be considered by all Commonwealth and state and territory gambling ministers in the second half of 2020.