National Disability Advocacy Framework 2022-2025

This consultation has now closed.
The Department of Social Services (the department) is seeking your views about a new draft National Disability Advocacy Framework (the Framework). The Framework updates the original National Disability Advocacy Framework which was endorsed in 2012 by the then disability ministers to provide a nationally consistent framework for advocacy.
The new draft Framework was drafted in consultation with federal, state and territory governments. It aims to ensure all people with disability can access advocacy services and support in a changing environment. It will also help to align advocacy services and standards so they are nationally consistent.
The Department of Social Services is encouraging people with disability, their families and carers, disability advocates and other interested stakeholders to share their views on what is important to improve and include in the new draft Framework.
We have developed a Submission Guide to help you have your say on the Framework. It includes Easy Read, Auslan, and in language resources.
There are also several other ways for you to get involved.
Have your say
To have your say on the new draft National Disability Advocacy Framework 2022-25, you can:
- Register to attend an online community forum or webinar – these will be held online for people with disability, their families and carers, disability advocates and community organisations to make sure people all over Australia can attend
- Register to come to community forum – these will be held face-to-face in the following locations across Australia for people with disability, their families and carers, disability advocates and local stakeholders:
- Mackay, Queensland
- Brisbane, Queensland
- Alice Springs, Northern Territory
- Darwin, Northern Territory
- Adelaide, South Australia
- Mt Gambier, South Australia
- Melbourne, Victoria
- Shepparton, Victoria
- Perth, Western Australia
- Regional Western Australia
- Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
- Sydney, New South Wales
- Orange, New South Wales
- Devonport, Tasmania
- Hobart, Tasmania
We will also be undertaking focus groups with people with disability and specific engagements with First Nations people and communities. If you would like more information about these, please contact us.