Isobelle Olssen
Carer of a person with disability
1.1 People with disability their families and carers would benefit from being provided information on all models of advocacy support provided through founded agencies. This would enabled access to information and support in a partnership with a local advocacy agency to identify and develop models of service needed in the area. This would require consolidated approach to apply knowledge of the identified needs in services and delivery models to meet these needs.
1.2 The process of identifying regional agency models funded and local people with disability unmet needs assessment- in information and access coordination – was not addressed in the ADHC planning for roll out of NDIS. People with disability and their families and carers must be engaged on partnership level in negotiating models of advocacy services and service delivery available and accessible to enable meet their supports needs in an informed environment; to negotiate and consolidate their personal care plans.
This process would support human rights of the persons with disability and their individual supports needs, including model of advocacy suited to meet the needs of the individuals living with a disability their families and carers.
Drawbacks, for people with disability their families and carers, are that advocacy services funding allocation is being passed between Commonwealth and State Governments responsibilities, which we (carers and families of people with disability) are repeatedly advised at many forums, when addressing lack of security in continuity of funding to number of proactive advocacy services.
Non-equitable advocacy access to people with disability and their carers and families is in a direct conflict with human rights and NDIS philosophy.
1.3 People with disability their families and carers must have access to information and choices in advocacy model that will meet their needs in negotiating through transition process to NDIS. Equality in information and access is a foundation to human rights of every person, including people with disability.