10357 – Individual submission

I am the parent of a young man with intellectual and physical impairment due to a birth injury. His initial NDIS plan contained a $ amount to apply for home modifications. Despite asking LAC in our area about how to access his funding to apply for other AT equipment was given no information . We were told by the original planner that we would have to wait 12 months until any modifications could be requested and that our next plan after this time period of waiting it would definitely happen. We were unable to utilise his allocated funds, and I contacted the LAC three months prior to his review being due and was told his review was now due and had to be done straight away. Therefore all of his funds were revoked, when the new plan came back the $ amount was gone and capacity building funds were gone.

I contacted an OT to obtain a report for an AT form to be completed. My son had several assessments and reports completed and submitted alongside his neurological reports. This was done and submitted and now denied even though was previously deemed necessary. Every day is a struggle without the assistive technology, we have no idea where to turn next to obtain the equipment he requires and was told that doing a review puts all of his daily core funds at risk. His original goal in his NDIS report was to be more independent with his personal care, he remains dependent on his parents. I would like to know if his original funding that was taken back without any of it being accessed could have used to purchase the required items for him. Thank you.