10391 – Individual submission
NDIA Planners and Local Area Coordinators are not complying with the United Nations Convention On The Right Of Persons With Disabilities (UNCRPD)this is currently leaving gaps between the disability inclusion act, NDIS Act 2013 and the United Nations Convention On the Rights Of Persons With Disabilities (UNCRPD). While the NDIS talks about people with disabilities having voice, choice and control is there no voice, choice and control as there are gaps between the delegated act and the NDIS Act 2013. If people with disabilities receiving an NDIS package had voice, choice and Control under the NDIS then decisions would be made with people with disabilities instead of the NDIA making decisions on their own without consulting and liaising with people with disabilities, the flexibility would be more broader and participants would not have limited options and choices to choose from, the NDIS would integrate and connect with mainstream services and the intersection between mainstream services and the NDIS would not be this big and the gap would not be as big. Service providers who register to be an NDIS registered provider would be listening to what participants ask for, developing service agreements that reflect what participants ask the service to support them with,participants would not have to send money back to the NDIA each year, participants would be able to move funding around from one area to another area, NDIA planners and Local Area Coordinators would get plans right and would not be sending participants to the AAT and participants would not be having to fight for their rights at the AAT to get something funded and the money would be spent more on the participants with the NDIA focusing on what is important to participants instead of spending more money on legal costs/legal fees. The NDIS was not designed for people with disabilities to have to be supported by advocates to advocate and stand up for the rights of people with disabilities the NDIS was designed for people with disabilities to have a quality of life and be able to participate the same as everyone else.