10525 – Individual submission

I would like to offer the following suggestions to address the negative impact resulting from the fragmentation of the NDIS Core operations into Call Centre, LAC and NDIA along with the lack of expertise, accountability and transparency.

I feel my suggestions improve the effectiveness of the NDIS, increase efficiency and reduce some of the additional trauma this well-intentioned service has caused both participants and those of us who are responsible for their lives.

I believe the NDIS should be re-established as a fully integrated service and recommend merging call centre, LAC and NDA functions.

Recognising this is a BIG leap given current government preference for a small public service, and investment and commitments to date in creating a separate Call Centre and LAC’s. Taking the NDIS back to its’ intended structure may take some time.

In the meantime I feel there are some changes that are achievable in the short to mid term that will address some of the most challenging issues. I recommend the following as a start:
• transferring Planner role from LAC to within NDIA
• establishing an “expert information team” within the NDIA to whom call centre staff can transfer non-basic inquiries
• establish a single “point of contact” from access request through to pre-planning meeting
• establish a single “point of contact” from pre-planning meeting onwards
• minute and distribute all phone conversations and meetings
• create an issue tracking and escalation system. The system should be accessible to participants/nominee and an NDIA staff member assigned and available to be contacted by participant/nominee
• Guaranteed targets for completion of access requests, unscheduled reviews
• Mandated regular check-ins with participants/nominees to ensure plan is being implemented successfully
• Face-to-face and phone based Navigation services to provide practical assistance to complete access requests, pre-planning and implementation
• Drop-in navigation service co-located with Centrelink, NDIA offices and LAC’s

I am including a summary of my model for transferring the Draft Plan development out of LAC’s into the NDIA along with how I think the ‘’single-point of contact” could work. I have included a process that from my own traumatic experience would have made the experience and outcome a far better standard and value for tax payers $’s