Sarah Butler
Which of the following statements best describes you?
- I’m a person with disability
Question 1:
What matters most to measure and report on as we seek to achieve inclusive and accessible communities for people with disability?
Easier access for people to access the NDIS without anyone falling through the cracks and gaps. Suitable questions to be asked by assessors when participants are applying to access the NDIS for the first time and those who are transitioning to the NDIS assessors to also ask suitable questions such as what are your goals? Do you have any hobbies or interests? Were you previously receiving supports before the NDIS? If yes what supports were you funded for? Was the costs for both you and a support worker? Was the funding for the supports you were funded for only cover the costs for any support you required? People with disabilities are not going to spend time at a meeting with an assessor for an independent assessment if the questions are not suitable questions asked to participants and people with disabilities. Participants and people with disabilities will walk out of the meeting and not spend the time to have an independent assessment completed by someone who is not well experienced and cannot ask suitable questions.
If participants and people with disabilities walk out of an independent assessment meeting what happens then? Does the person remain a participant under the NDIS? Or does the participant have to arrange another appointment with an assessor for an independent assessment before being given a plan? If a person is applying to access the NDIS for the first time and does stay for the full time allocated for an independent assessment to be completed does that mean that person is not eligible for the NDIS? Will that person have to arrange another appointment?
Question 2:
What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve economic security for people with disability?
How will the changes give greater choice, control and flexibility for participants to choose what they use their NDIS funding for? What will be different from the current framework and system? How will this minimise the number of appeals going to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the court for decisions to be overturned so participants can then access the funding to pay for themselves and support worker if support worker is required or needed? There is confusion between respite and short term accommodation participants don’t know what the correct wording is when at their planning meeting is that allows families and carers to have a break. NDIA staff are narrow minded on what participation is and do not understand what participants are saying. When participants try to explain themselves to the person at NDIA who is developing their plan that person does not listen to participants and are more focused about themselves as an NDIA staff member working for the NDIA instead of focusing on what is important to participants.
Question 3:
What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes for people with disability?
Minimise gaps between mainstream services and the NDIS.
Question 4:
What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve rights, protection, justice and legislation outcomes for people with disability?
Participants to be involved in the decision making process and asked if they give approval for their plan to be approved.
Question 5:
What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve learning and skills outcomes for people with disability?
Funding for education.
Question 6:
What is most important to measure and report on as we seek to achieve personal and community support outcomes for people with disability?
Services for people who are not eligible for the NDIS.
Question 7:
How often would you like to see progress against the outcomes for people with disability in the National Disability Strategy and the National Disability Insurance Scheme reported?
Every month.
Question 8:
Is there anything else that you think should be considered when we are monitoring and measuring the impact of activities on people with disability?
Are participants happy with their plan? Are staff at the NDIA asking participants what they would like in their NDIS plan? Are staff at NDIA looking at reasonable and necessary in a positive manner?