Emily Col

Which of the following statements best describes you?
I’m a parent / guardian or other family member of a person with disability

During the first stage of consultations we heard that the vision and the six outcome areas under the current Strategy are still the right ones. Do you have any comments on the vision and outcome areas being proposed for the new Strategy?

Very practical, user friendly NDIS legislation and services to be delivered by the government not private companies.

Impaired people must have higher consumer and employees rights then companies.

What do you think about the guiding principles proposed here?

Address barriers faced by disabled and people from non English speaking backgrounds to Engage everyone to the broader community and change the mind set.

Invest back billions in education of the disabled and its community members. Principle should be implemented in change of NDIS, discrimination legislation.

What is your view on the proposal for the new Strategy to have a stronger emphasis on improving community attitudes across all outcome areas?

All level of government should change the legislation that any discrimination of impaired people is highly punishable.

The government also must enact legislation that all impaired people have higher rights in accessing employment, education, recreation or social activities.

All levels of government must invest back billions in changing the community, government attitude towards impaired.

How do you think that clearly outlining what each government is responsible for could make it easier for people with disability to access the supports and services they need?

The government has not taken the responsibility for failed own actions

How do you think the Strategy should represent the role that the non-government sector plays in improving outcomes for people with disability?

The Strategy could better guide better legislation for all stakeholders

What kind of information on the Strategy’s progress should governments make available to the public and how often should this information be made available?

Hold governments accountable for all services and legislation on daily basis.

The Strategy’s progress should governments make available to the public and very often should monthly this information be made available publicly to the community

What do you think of the proposal to have Targeted Action Plans that focus on making improvements in specific areas within a defined period of time (for example within one, two or three years)?

Targeted Action Plans should focus on all areas and be defined if not 3 Monthly but every 6 Months.

How could the proposed Engagement Plan ensure people with disability, and the disability community, are involved in the delivery and monitoring of the next Strategy?

Impaired people should be included in Policy implementation and invited, financially awarded to participate in the Parliament or Senate settings

Is there anything else you would like to share about the ideas and proposals in the position paper?

People with disability can lead and shape disability policies, programs and services only if all government levels allows them to do so.

Currently, the impaired people are completely left behind and have no say. The government must invest back Billions of tax payer funds to reshape the mentality and bring back community spirit.

Only by changing the legislation and investing back in severely sick, the impaired could benefit.