Anonymous – 30/09/2021

The NDIA regularly conducts plan reviews without even verifying if the person is alive. If they do not currently verify if someone is alive, then they are not going to be capable of doing anything else. The rules must require the ndia to notify a person in writing when the participant service guarantee does not apply to them, such as when a person is on an active death plan when the sole goal is for the person to die, or when they are an involuntary participant.

They must report on the numbers of involuntary participants in the scheme.
They must report on the numbers of plan reviews conducted without verifying if the person is alive
The numbers of plan reviews conducted without any attempt at all to contact the participant or a formally appointed nominee or guardian.
The numbers of plan reviews conducted with no contact with anyone but a paid service provider such as a support coordinator. Some people have been participants for 5+ years and never attended a plan review meeting and never been invited to attend one, although there is no formally appointed nominee in place.
Details of the numbers of participants the participant service guarantee does not apply to and how these people were formally notified of that.