The Future of Supported Employment Discussion Paper 2023

This consultation has now closed.
The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that people with disability have genuine opportunities to work in a wide range of settings. As part of the 2023-24 Budget the Australian Government announced a package of measures relating to supported employment that seek to:
- create ongoing employment opportunities for people with disability with high support needs
- assist the supported employment sector to evolve, and
- provide people with disability with high support needs, their families and carers with access to greater advocacy and information in order to build confidence and understanding about rights and options at work.
This investment includes six initiatives focused on supported employment:
- Structural Adjustment Fund
- Supporting organisations to transition to the new Supported Employment Services Award
- Consulting on a disability business procurement policy
- Evaluation of supported employment initiatives and trials
- Disability employment expos
- Disability Employment Advocacy and Information Program
The Department of Social Services has developed the “Future of Supported Employment” discussion paper, which outlines the proposed approach for each of the initiatives and includes key questions for feedback
Feedback and comments are welcome from anyone. This includes people with disability, family members, carers, advocates, service providers, peak bodies and other organisations. You can share your own views, or provide feedback on behalf of someone else.
You can make a submission through this website, or provide your feedback in writing to by COB 1 September 2023.