The National Disability Data Asset Council – community member nomination

The Department of Social Services (DSS) is seeking nominations for a vacant disability community member position on the National Disability Data Asset Council (Council). The Council is a high‑profile co-governance group comprising senior leaders across Australian governments and disability representative and research communities. DSS is looking for someone who is passionate about improving life for people with disability and who has an interest in making invisible needs visible through data.
The National Disability Data Asset (disability data asset) will connect existing de-identified information from different government agencies about all Australians. Currently governments do not have a complete picture of how people with disability are supported by all levels of government and agencies. The disability data asset will initially link about 200 government datasets. When the disability data asset is finished, it will be used to provide a complete picture of the programs and services used by people with disability. This will mean governments will have better quality information to improve programs and services and improve opportunities and outcomes for people with disability.
The purpose of the Council is to make sure the disability data asset is being used correctly and only for purposes that align with the expectations of people with disability. The Council’s responsibilities include ensuring that requirements for transparency and accountability, as outlined in the Charter, are met. The Council also provide recommendations on the strategic direction of the asset to the Disability Reform Ministerial Council. More information on the Council is available on the National Disability Data Asset Website.
The Council consists of 12 members:
- 3 state and territory government representatives
- 3 Australian Government representatives
- 3 non-government disability/data experts and
- 3 members from the disability community.
DSS is looking for a representative from the disability community to join the Council. This individual should have strong connections to the disability community, be experienced/comfortable with data and have some executive experience, for example previous roles on advisory boards.
DSS aims to have a diverse mix of people on the Council to reflect the broader Australian community. First Nations people are welcomed and strongly encouraged to nominate themselves for this position. Priority will be given to people with disability.
Council members are appointed by the Minister for Social Services, in consultation with Disability Reform Ministerial Council.
If you need help to submit your nomination please email