[Sub ID 4373] Behavioural Change and Targeted Learning Pilot (Renee Lim)

Submission ID: 4373
Organisation name: Renee Lim
State: NSW
Contact email: clare.hennessy.aus@gmail.com

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
The need we have identified is that of young people with limited exposure to the work/professional environment, limited opportunity to develop skills due to high-responsibility burdens, or other limitations such as lack of resources, time, role models, or conflicting priorities.

Perhaps, however, what is most insidious in the cycle of unemployment is the perceived belief that an individual lacks the skills or the capacity to enter the workforce, preventing their engaging and maintaining of participation. Each time individuals experience this barrier, the ‘I will never be able to do this’, it produces a negative feedback loop: the key skills needed are yet to be gained, and they don’t grow the confidence necessary to acquire them, reinforcing the notion that such outcomes are ‘unattainable’.

This perception manifests itself twofold; the negative psychological feedback loop, and the struggle to meet the demands of the workplace pressure given limited exposure to the necessary skills. So… the solution has to address all those elements in order to provide effective solutions.

What is your idea?
We intend to create an online platform that addresses the psychological and skill-based barriers experienced by these priority groups. This platform will be highly interactive, building the user’s awareness and equipping them with skills that build confidence, resilience, flexibility and ultimately the capacity to adapt and thrive in the workplace.

Unlike traditional online learning tools, it will be based on the user’s real-time understanding, feelings and behaviours to generate outcomes.

We believe targeted learning in the following categories can achieve improved workforce participation and outcomes:
personal presentation and identity
understanding the workplace effective communication, and
building relationships

Users will engage specifically in content ranging from:
Videos and interactive scenarios that explore the importance of personal presentation and communication
Activities that invite users to reflect on their own personal narrative, so that they are empowered to take responsibility and envision a future in keeping with their priorities and values Demonstrations of various communicatoin and interpersonal skills that assist in dealing with complexity in workplace environments
And much more.

The structure of the platform will be designed so that implicitly, in the process of engaging and evaluating their online results, the user will strengthen their ability to reflect and grow.

An important highlight of this platform is that it will allow the platform to be used as a diagnostic tool. With the capacity to generate big data, it will also present the opportunity for further referral to appropriate resources.