[Sub ID 4447] Just in time support for students (Policy Hack Table 3)

Submission ID: 4447
Organisation name: Policy Hack Table 3 (Young students)

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young students

What need or issue are you trying to address?
For this group (20-25 year old young students), there is limited systematic early identification, active engagement mechanisms, or support networks for students considering, or following, a decision to drop out.

The way the system is structured at the moment, there is no mechanism or incentive (including financial incentive) for educational institutions to assertively intervene and prevent disengagement.

The evidence suggests the current mechanisms and networks are not effective in connecting young students with ongoing, sustainable employment, or a pathway back to education. This age group within the young student cohort is most at risk of long term welfare dependence.

Although some institutions (e.g. university student welfare teams) provide support, this is not done systematically across the sector.

Supporting data was provided by DSS at the policy hack.

What is your idea?
‘Just in time’ service for students.

Establish a service for students showing signs of disengaging from their studies, or who have just dropped out.

Service outcomes:
• keep young people connected to their studies or
• help young people change trajectory into another course, or another pathway, such as employment.

This service would be co-designed with young people and delivered using peer to peer support.

Young employees will have ‘lived experience’ of studying.

Timing is critical. Referral relationships with education providers would be established to intervene early.

Young people belonging to ‘at risk’ cohorts could either self refer or be flagged for the service by employers or education institutions.

At the point of entry into the service, there would be an assessment of participants’ needs followed by a plan to return to study, or seek work.

The services would be strengths-based, person-centred and identify ways young people could make proactive choices about their options.

In consultation with the sector, the service could link to employers, or employment services. The service would complement existing services.

Current analysis of this problem is limited by out-of-date student data. This idea offers more effective reporting and regulation of the VET and tertiary sectors.