[Sub ID 4507] Multi-stage employment and wellbeing program for young parents (UnitingCare West)

Submission ID: 4507
Organisation name: UnitingCare West
Contact name: Mr Glyn Davies
State: WA
Contact email: glyn.davies@unitingcarewest.org.au
Contact number: 0893559070

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
The proportion of 18 – 24 year old Aboriginal people engaged in full time employment, education or training was 31.6 per cent compared to 74.8 per cent for non-Aboriginal people.

In 2008, 39% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people were not in the labour force (that is, they were neither employed nor unemployed). A higher proportion of young females than males were not participating in the labour force (49% compared with 29%).

Young females not participating in the labour force were less likely than young males to be participating in formal education (39% compared with 63%). Almost half (49%) of young females who were not in the labour force were parents or guardians. . Reflecting the transition from school to work, there were large differences in unemployment rates for both males and females, between the 15–24 and 25–34 year age groups. The unemployment rate for males aged 25–34 years (18.9%) was 15 percentage points lower than for males aged 15–24 years (33.7%), while the comparable unemployment rates for females were 19.9% and 29.8% — a difference of 10 percentage points.

What is your idea?
A multi-stage program that supports culture and enhances kinship relationships whilst encouraging positive outcomes for young parents and their children.

This program will work with both parents and their children and will develop a positive learning environment built on trust and respect.

Both parents and their children will be supported by local Aboriginal staff in a user friendly environment.
There will be 6 stages of this program, like the 6 Nyoongar seasons to symbolize a natural transition in experiencing varied conditions and changes to the environment.

Stage 1 Birak – the first summer

This stage is all about ensuring that the community know and understand this program, with an outreach process to engage local people and to promote and enhance participation.

Stage 2 Bunuru – the second summer

This is where parents and their children start to come together for fun and engaging activities. This is a period of engagement and building trust.

Stage 3 Djeran – autumn

This stage is about identifying barriers to participation in this program. It is also a period where we identify barriers that may prevent or deter people from accessing other community based services.

Stage 4 Makuru – the first rains

Attendees are supported to be able to understand and to be able to weave their way through mainstream services and to be able to understand the types of services that can assist them in the future.

Stage 5 Djilba – the second rains

This is a period of discovery where attendees get a chance to consider a range of employment, education and training options. This is a chance to revisit places and to look at in more detain the path that leads to long term goals.
This is a time for children to enjoy fun pre planned visits to mainstream education options.

Stage 6 Kambarang – the wildflower season

This is a time for experiencing something different