[Sub ID 4517] High Intensity Coaching for Youth (The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes trading as CentaCare Wilcannia-Forbes)

Submission ID: 4517
Organisation name: The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes trading as CentaCare Wilcannia-Forbes
Contact name: Mrs Kerri-Ann Mundy
State: NSW
Contact email: contracts@centacarewf.org.au

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
CentaCare Wilcannia-Forbes (CWF) delivers services in rural and remote communities in western NSW. These communities have many characteristics in common including geographic isolation, a high Aboriginal population impacted by intergenerational trauma and poverty, community decline due to lack of employment and environmental disaster e.g. drought/flood, limited access to services, high rates of teenage pregnancies, limited and poor housing (overcrowding) and substance abuse and Domestic and Family Violence. The multi-dimensional and cumulative nature of these characteristics creates a sense of hopelessness and at the same time a perception that this is normality. In CentaCare’s experience, young people aged 25 and under in these communities are less likely to engage in education and training. Those who complete post-secondary study, often do not transition into employment as employment opportunities are not locally available or they feel overwhelmed by the tasks associated with employment readiness and support to explore employment elsewhere is also limited. Commonly, young people lack confidence in managing their own personal readiness including job search skills e.g. resume writing, interviewing and life skills e.g. budgeting, shopping, healthy living. As a result, young people remain unemployed and become welfare dependant or rely on casual and seasonal work.

What is your idea?
The High Intensity Coaching for Youth (HICY) model will work with young people age 25 and under who are at risk of abandoning study or are unemployed after study, and will address the identified needs through a holistic and integrated service response. The model will consist of five key elements:
1. Intensive one on one support underpinned by a trusting relationship between the youth worker and the young person: The youth worker will assist the young person in addressing barriers to employment e.g. lack of transport, confidence, personal presentation by enabling them to develop an action plan that will identify goals, strategies, timeframes and milestones. The youth worker will provide practical assistance in achieving these goals e.g. provision of transport, by making ‘wake up calls’ or coaching about personal presentation or mentoring communication skills.
2. Career advice: the youth worker will provide basic advice on employment opportunities, training and career pathways and link the young person to other local and regional services for more in depth advice e.g. school and university career advisors, Jobactive providers, VTEC.
3. Work experience: the youth worker will establish partnerships with local and regional employers and connect the young person for two to four periods of week work experience. These opportunities will be in line with the action plan and the identified career aspirations. The organisations will induct and support the young person replicating a “real employment” situation.
4. Education workshops and peer support: The youth worker will coordinate workshops responding to common identified needs e.g. skills relating to financial literacy, resume writing, budgeting, healthy cooking, rental, maintaining a home, borrowing money for a car. These opportunities may already exist and be provided by other services or may be created to address an identified need.
5. Volunteer Support: Volunteer’s within the community will also be matched with young people to mentor and support and encourage the young individual during this vulnerable period.