[Sub ID 4519] Pathways 2 Success (North East Support and Action for Youth Inc. (NESAY))

Submission ID: 4519
Organisation name: North East Support and Action for Youth Inc. (NESAY)
Contact name: Ms Leah Waring
State: VIC
Contact email: lwaring@nesay.com.au

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Through working with vulnerable youth and families; we see that early and targeted intervention is essential. This is evident when working with young people who are disengaging from education.

Often, disengagement is not a matter of choice.

We have identified a need for an intensive intervention when the school disengagement commences, so that it can be addressed before the behaviour becomes entrenched.

This is based on:
• Youth work experience – sometimes the young person needs someone independent to advocate/care for them at home and school
• NESAY School based Programs – there are high numbers of young people who need support to remain at school; and often they are identified too late
• On Track data – 46% of early school leavers are not in education and training. Further, over the 2012-16 periods there were little changes in the destinations achieved
• Youth Affairs Council – we know that in regional/rural communities experience:
o substantial increase in the number drinking to harmful levels
o limited access to sexual health services
o limited/no access support for those who identify as same sex attracted
o increase in mental health concerns and suicide
o Family violence is an increasing issue and is a hidden burden for young people

What is your idea?
Pathways 2 Success (P2S) will provide an independent, youth focused and responsive program that is governed by young people and community sector stakeholders.
Youth participation is underpinning the project. Young people will be involved in the design and delivery of the P2S program.
P2S will support young people and their families:
• in a proactive and holistic manner with the expressed priority of the young person returning to education.
• who are disengaged from education for a period of 4 weeks or more. It is understood that to achieve sustainable change, the intervention must support the whole family
• through not only intensive case management expertise, but also practical assistance to enable success, including (not limited to): transporting a young person to school, being a support person at appointments with the mother, assisting completing forms, referrals for (and monitoring implementation of) parenting programs, financial counselling, housing etc.

P2S will also work closely with the schools to:
• assist in identification of young people who are disengaging
• support welfare teams as required to implement identified strategies/programs to meet the needs
• enable clear communication, identification/implementation of strategies to address learning/social/emotional needs and support the young person to maintain routine/structure and attendance