[Sub ID 4528] Youth development hubs in Centrelink offices (IUVENTUS)

Submission ID: 4528
Organisation name: IUVENTUS
Contact email: pete@startme.org.nz

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Assist Young People to increase their engagement and define a pathway into continued / further education and / or employment.

Provide a holistic approach that will Mentor and empower Young People into independence through the creation of “goal plans” that ensure and monitor ongoing learning and career / personal development.

Define for & with, Young People what their obligations are in receipt of fiscal support are and assist with the navigation of the specialist support networks / service that enable the removal of barriers that inhibit ongoing engagement and fulfillment of their independence.

Eliminate Young Peoples reliance on ongoing fiscal support from the Central Government.

What is your idea?
Our organisation has had extensive experience within the creation and facilitation of these services. Our knowledge and capability has enabled the refinement of these services, and we consider that this approach has been tried and is currently very successful in engaging, mentoring and supporting young people into independence.

Clearly defined expectations, pathways’ for learning, holistic support services and employment prospects are essential to empowering successful, healthy, happy, resilient and independent young people.

We believe a Youth Development focus enables young people to actively participate with the process, and by providing good information this will assist them to understand the “big picture” to make an informed decision.

The enablement of quality relationships, from strengths based focused staff promotes young people to keep connected to their families’ and communities.

The creation of Specialist Teams (One Service with Specialised Teams for each target group).

This service would replace the need for the Young Person to access Centrelink offices. They would be ‘youth friendly’ and would be located in easy to access locations in each town / city / suburb / community. This separation could increase the likelihood of the young person engaging with the service as it will not be seen as ‘Centrelink’.
Therefore the creation of a ‘separation’ from ‘Centrelink’ that is proactive and solution focused on continuing / ongoing education, training and employment.